Vegan Banana Fritters

Vegan Banana Fritters Prep Time: 5Mins Cook Time: 5Mins           Have you ever thrown away your bananas that were just sitting around getting brown? Well here is a perfect recipe for good bananas and your more sweeter brown bananas, enjoy 🙂   Ingredients: 2 Bananas 1/2 cup Flour `1 Tbsp Brown Sugar 1/2 Tsp of cinnamon,…
Toronto, ON
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Vanilla Coconut Oats Smoothie Bowl

  Vanilla Coconut Oats Smoothie Bowl             This quick and easy breakfast smoothie bowl can save you a lot of time in the mornings. Just freeze a banana the night before and get yourself some:   Ingredients: Vanilla Extract Oats Coconut Milk Almond Milk Ice Pecan 1 Frozen Banana Shredded Coconut   Directions: Place frozen…
Toronto, ON
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Vegan Guacamole Onion Rings

Vegan Guacamole Onion Rings Prep Time: 10Mins Cook Time: 10Mins           Now here is a mouthwatering snack that has now become a hit in my house and at parties. This Vegan Guacamole Onion Rings recipe is sure to please everyone in the home, even your non-vegan mates. You’re probably wondering to yourself, what makes this recipe…
Toronto, ON
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Deep Roasted Butternut Squash Soup + Vegan Sour Cream

Deep Roasted Butternut Squash Soup + Vegan Sour Cream Prep Time: 15Mins Cook Time: 1Hr                            That time is coming again, the nights are coming earlier and the temperature is cooling up. This is one of my fall-winter favorites, Butternut Squash Soup. I enjoy curling up with a…
Toronto, ON
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The Best Vegan Pizza

The Best Vegan Pizza Cooking Time: 20Mins Prep Time: 10Mins                            Hello there, welcome back to my blog. It would seem most of my posts are about vegan food, gets me thinking maybe I should just make this a recipe/vegan life blog already lol. Well, here we have…
Toronto, ON
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