Vegan Banana Fritters

Banana fritters,

Vegan Banana Fritters

Prep Time: 5Mins
Cook Time: 5Mins


        Have you ever thrown away your bananas that were just sitting around getting brown? Well here is a perfect recipe for good bananas and your more sweeter brown bananas, enjoy 🙂



  • 2 Bananas
  • 1/2 cup Flour
  • `1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 Tsp of cinnamon, salt & nutmeg
  • 1 Tbsp of (brown or white sugar) optional



  1. Peel bananas and place them into a bowl, with a utensil mash the fruit until its a runny consistency. If there are some small chunks of banana left that’s fine.
  2. Add 1 Tbsp of Brown Sugar, 1/2 Tsp of cinnamon, salt & nutmeg, and mix into banana mixture evenly.
  3. Add 1/2 cup of flour into bowl and mix until smooth (not meant to be as solid as dough, it will be more like a pancake consistency)
  4. With a larger than large spoon of sorts, scoop out some of the mixture and place scoop fulls into frying pan with already hot oil in it.
  5. Flip each fritter frequently (I like to use a fork to flip them). Once lightly-Medium brown and no mixture ooze out once pressed, it is ready to be served.
  6. Optional: Top fritters with sugar once served.



Bon Appetit 🙂

1 Comment

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