Get up! And get Active!


                         I’ve found a new love, bike riding. I’ve had my bike for a couple years, and like most things, I was excited about the purchase and then quickly forgot about it due to life demands. But this spring something happened; I decided, I’m going to live a more active lifestyle. I’m going to get out more, be more social and try new things. Along with this new life goal, I decided to take it up a notch with my Fitbit. I’ve got to be honest, my Fitbit may be the culprit that triggered all of this, I absolutely love it. Setting daily goals, for example, steps, miles, meals, water intake, exercise, weight loss and much more keep me focused every day. I do have a gym membership, but I find myself wanting to get out in the real world for my fitness, hey it works for me.

                         Bike trailing by the lake is my absolute favorite, I can go off the path and get rugged and just catch an eye full of beautiful scenery while I’m getting a full body workout. I also skip rope, jump squats on steps I find and push my bike up steep hills. I’ve already lost 10lbs within two weeks and burn over 1000CALs each time, there’s truth in facts. I’m about to do a 1.5-mile walk, I hope you have a lovely day and get out and get active, whether it be for health or fun.

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See you next time,

MyLady Marie 🙂

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