New Luxury & Vintage Chanel


Hello again, I can’t believe this year is already coming to an end. It seems like it just started a month or two ago, wow. This has been a year of rapid growth and evolution; when it comes to career, goals, family and new entrepreneurship. My mind has expanded so much I can literally feel it, so many creative ideas and so much time huh. I’m one year into my “new” job and working Full-Time has been a challenge that I’m becoming accustom to. Balancing Psychiatric Nursing FT and having a balanced lifestyle is what I strive for… along with finding a place for my blog and Socials. I’m smiling though, look at me, I’m happy & enjoying my life. So what has happened since my last post??? Did I talk about my Birthday? I’m one year older today, cheers to everyone that wished me well .

I honestly didn’t do anything extravagant this year, I just wanted to be with family and close friends. A dinner was all I needed, and got, thank you 🙂 . I feel like I’m at an age where I’ve settled in quite nicely into knowing myself, and that brings a level of confidence even on your worst days that people tend not to understand… but they don’t need to. Christmas? I have all my shopping done, and I’m working 🙁 .. I know but that’s fine. New Years? I’m off New Years and will be roughly doing the same thing I did on my birthday.. ring it in with the people who are closest to me in my life. Speaking of close friends… I truly want to make a better effort to communicate more and cultivate better relationships with my friends and family. I know we are all busy and live lives which consist of work/business/kids/spouses/bills etc but I’m still going to try.


You’ve probably already notice something blog worthy in my photos lately, yes!!! I finally have some Chanel Luxuries in my collection now. I can barely believe it, from only Chanel beauty and fragrance to having two Chanel major items??? When it’s time it’s time I guess lol; I’ve been manifesting this amongst other things for a while and I truly believe our minds are a powerful tool in the development of our lives. What we want.. we can have.. in time. I know you must be curious about what Chanel items I recently attained.. Well I have a surprise for you… I made a full YouTube Reveal/Unboxing video for you, so you can go right over to my channel and discover what I’m so ecstatic about. I believe you can find my latest videos to the right of this blog post. Go ahead and click on it and let me know if you love these items as much as my heart does. Well it’s getting late, it’s been a long day and I have work in the morning. I’m certainly not going to get enough sleep tonight… but I’ll make it work, just a few more days until my mini Holiday Vacation days off work kick in around New Years.


Thank you for taking the time to visit my website and read my blog(s). I appreciate and would love to engage with you in my comment section. Show me some love 🙂

The courage to change the perspective
– MyLady Marie xoxo


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