A Classy Checklist

Welcome back Ladies & Gents   In this post I’ll be sharing a checklist that I try to live by when I purchase items for my wardrobe. Whether you are an experienced affluent lady or you are now starting out on your journey, this list will help you elevate and evolve your look and personal style. In the world of…
Toronto, ON
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Let’s Talk

  It’s been a while since I’ve posted, there’s been a series of life changes, new jobs, family and pets passing away… Yet I’ve never forgotten you. I’m one year older and I feel like I’ve truly settled into my truest self, and it feels good. It only makes sense that I’d restart my blogging the classic way, the same…
Toronto, ON
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The Classic Piece

This is So Kate, she is the first luxury item I added to my wardrobe. She signifies a style/life change that could only be seen in the months following her purchase. Throughout my adult years, I always had my eye on the popular “Red Bottom”. I could have purchased her several times on several occasions, but I declined to fall…
Holt Renfrew, Toronto, ON
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